Have you ever been to Kronstadt? This small town is located just 30 km from Saint Petersburg, and its fame has resonated since its foundation up to the present day. For over 300 years, Kronstadt has been known to people far and wide. Peter the Great founded this town—a fortress and port—in 1704 to protect Saint Petersburg from enemies approaching from the Baltic Sea during the Great Northern War. Even today, this small town continues to attract worldwide attention.
Naval Cathedral
The Naval Cathedral is open for visitors daily from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Note: All excursions inside the cathedral are forbidden! The ceremonial laying of the walls took place on the 8th of March 1903 with the emperor Nikolay II and members of the imperial family presence. On the whole construction of the cathedral was quite fast. Interior finish was commenced already in 1907. The cathedral was illuminated by 5 thousand lights.
A cinema named after Maksim Gorkiy was opened in the Naval Cathedral building at the beginning of 1930 and part of rooms were used as storage. The crosses were taken down from the domes, the bells were thrown down, the altar was demounted. Art painting of domes and walls inside was covered with paint. To protect the cathedral from complete destruction the Navy authority asked the government to hand it to its responsibility. The building itself was reconstructed in 1950: hung ceiling and inner walls for spectators hall for 2500 seats were constructed for the Naval Club. This unique building was taken under the government protection as an architectural monument in 1975. The Sailors Club was established here from 1978 to 1989. In 2002 the Naval Cathedral was consecrated and the central cross was fixed again on the main dome. 19 April, 2012 - the Patriarh Kirill leaded the consecration of the minororders ceremony. May, 2013 - the opening of the cathedral was conducted after its completed restoration to its 100th anniversary from the consecration day. Photo Gallery |